Environmental Planning and Consulting
No matter how big or small of a footprint you want to make , creating a portfolio to be mindful of the environment and strenghthen one's business is doing your part. HoffZinger can help you achieve this in 5 steps. First we identify the environmental and business challenges, Second we define the most cost effective way to achieve sustainability and outline the short term and long term action plan, third we implement the plan, fourth apply for any and all permits required to achieve full sustainability and fifth increase shareholder value
Environmental Permitting and Compliance
The world of Environmental regulations and policy is forever changing , to protect yourself and business be equipped with all the necessary permits and guidance to prevent your projects and budgets from being jeopardized and maximize your environmental efficiency. HoffZinger LLC will identify all permits and regulations at the state and federal level and assist in the permit applications as well as tracking of the permits to ensure that you always stay in compliance.
Ever want to design a project but ask yourself if there is a way to build better using the natural environment? Bioremediation is utilizing natural resources than accepted construction materials to build back better in strength and ecodiversity. HoffZinger assists in creating the project designs, performing assessments, identifies what materials can be utilized and performs a benefit cost analysis to incentivize every penny spent on the project while improving the build and surrounding environment.
Public Assistance
When Mother Nature Strikes the impacts can be devastating and the time to respond and recover could take days to years. HoffZinger makes it their mission to help those applying for public Assistance, in all aspects from creating emergency action plans, debris monitoring and disposal plans, damage inventories creating and submitting projects, mitigation and environmental requirements. Let us carry you so you can focus on what matters most.